Noah DeWalt Headshot

Noah DeWalt
ESL and Digital Skills Instructor

Economic Empowerment
(215) 559-9392

Noah has Pennsylvania Dutch roots in Bethlehem north of Philadelphia, but grew up in Atlanta, birthplace of the American Civil Rights movement. Dr. King's pursuit of a Beloved Community has always inspired Noah to do whatever small part he can to achieve that Beloved Community. He studied Gender and Women's Studies and African-American History at Kennesaw State University near Atlanta. Upon graduating, Noah lived and taught English in Istanbul, Turkey and Hanoi, Vietnam. He loves teaching and decided to pursue a Master's in TESOL at Cardiff Metropolitan University in Cardiff, Wales. While there he volunteered with an organization of, for, and by LGBTQ+ refugees and asylees and developed an English language program for the organization. He also conducted foundational research into the language learning concerns and lived realities of LGBTQ+ displaced people in the UK for his dissertation. He has recently moved back North to Philadelphia. His ancestors on both sides of his family arrived in the United States through the Port of Philadelphia as immigrants. Serving as the ESL and Digital Skills Instructor at NSC will allow him to honor those who came before him, those here now, and those yet to arrive seeking safety, opportunity, and a chance at a better life.