DACA Rescinded: What happens next?

Since DACA was first introduced in 2012, Nationalities Service Center has helped hundreds of young people apply for DACA benefits. The news of today announcing the end of the program is devastating, and we at NSC are committed to serving DACA recipients as they navigate the next steps during this period of uncertainty. The administration's decision demonstrates a lack of compassion and humanity for nearly a million young people who were brought to the U.S. as children, who were raised here, who are our classmates, coworkers, neighbors, and family. Immigrants are an integral part of our country and our future and policies that deny that fact will deprive our communities of the tremendous talents and skills of millions of people. Our communities will be deprived of the cultural and economic benefits provided by the inclusion and integration of Dreamers and all immigrants.

NSC is opening its doors to DACA families this Friday, September 8, 2017 at 1:30 p.m. to discuss the impact of this decision and to answer questions regarding what lies ahead with regards to DACA renewals, work permits, and other possibilities for relief. We will also discuss possible legislation by Congress to address these issues. View the event details here.

En español:
Esta decisión demuestra falta de compasión  y humanidad para cerca de un millón de jóvenes que fueron traídos a los Estados Unidos cuando eran niños, que crecieron aquí, que son nuestros compañeros de escuela, compañeros de trabajo, vecinos y familiares.  Inmigrantes son una parte integral de nuestro país y nuestro futuro, y políticas que niegan este hecho privaran a nuestras comunidades de tremendo talento y habilidades de millones de personas. Nuestras comunidades serán privadas de beneficios culturales y económicos que la inclusión e integración de los DREAMers e inmigrantes ofrecen.

Nationalities Service Center abrirá sus puertas a familias con DACA el día Viernes, 8 de Septiembre del 2017 a la 1:30 p.m. para discutir el impacto de esta decisión y responder preguntas sobre lo que pasara en el futuro con respecto a la renovación de DACA, permisos de trabajo y otras posibilidades inmigratorias. También discutiremos la legislación que el Congreso discutirá sobre este asunto.

For additional information about today’s DACA announcement / Para información adicional (en inglés) sobre el anuncio de hoy:
Questions and Answers about the rescission of DACA (Preguntas y respuestas sobre la terminación de DACA)

DHS Memo on Rescission of DACA (DHS Memoranda terminado DACA)

Contact your representatives!
Make your voice heard in support of DACA and contact your Congressional representatives to urge them to pass legislation to protect DREAMers and to provide a pathway to citizenship:

       • Sen. Bob Casey (D) - (215) 405-9660, (202) 224-6324
       • Sen. Pat Toomey (R) - (215) 241-1090, (202) 224-4254
       • Rep. Robert Brady (D - Philadelphia 1st District) - (215) 389-4627, (202) 225-4731
       • Rep. Dwight Evans (D - Philadelphia 2nd District) - (215) 276-0340, (202) 225-4001
       • Rep. Brendan Boyle (D - Philadelphia 13th District) - (215) 335-3355, (202) 225-6111
       • Rep. Pat Meehan (R – PA 7th District) - (610) 690-7323, (202) 225-2011

You can also send an email to all your representatives using USCRI's form.