URGENT: We Can’t Do This Without You!

In response to the global refugee crisis, NSC has agreed to exceed our commitment of welcoming 500 refugees this year, and during the month of September alone, we will help 118 refugees start their new lives here in Philadelphia. These numbers are unprecedented in recent years, and this rapid pace of refugee arrivals means there are a lot of apartments to rent, homes to set up, and welcome meals to prepare.

Do you want to be part of welcoming refugees to Philadelphia? Here’s how you can help!

1. Donate Goods: We are so grateful for all our generous supporters who have made donations of goods in recent weeks, but these are going out to new homes faster than we can get them in the door. In particular, we currently have an urgent need for the following items:
• Pots and pans
• Mixing bowls
• Can openers
• Cooking Utentsils
• Lamps
• Bath mats
• Laundry detergent
• Light bulbs
• Garbage bags

Donations can be dropped off Monday through Friday between 9am and 5pm at NSC's headquarters (1216 Arch Street 4th Floor, Philadelphia PA 19107). Tax receipts are available for donations of goods.

2. Amazon Wish List: You can also donate goods through our Amazon Wish List, which has a more thorough list of items needed to prepare a home for one of our refugee families.

3. Housing: NSC has worked to develop relationships with great landlords, but the landlords on our current rosterdon’t have enough housing to meet the urgent need for apartments this month. Do you know of a landlord who would be willing to rent an affordable apartment to a refugee? Contact us at housing@nscphila.org, and download the brochure below for additional information.

Thank you!