The BTG Graduate: A Short Interview with Cynthia Evelyn Solis

Cynthia Evelyn Solis

...keep learning and practice skills in the field by attending conferences and working in different environments.



The Language Access Program interviewed Cynthia Evelyn Solis, Spanish interpreter and graduate of the Bridging the Gap: Medical Interpreter Training. She received her BTG certificate in July of 2014. 

Cynthia began interpreting and translating for her mother at a very young age. She pursued a degree in Health Science: Community Health, and minored in Spanish at the University of Granada, Spain. She has gained experience in interpretation and translation from various work environments and settings across all ages. She stated "credibility" as the reason for enrolling in the Bridging the Gap Training. 

Could you tell us more about yourself? 

I am a Mexican American, 28 year old female from Nogales, Arizona. I currently work at Philatinos Radio Show on Monday nights, where we teach English for an hour with a grammar lesson and discuss different themes weekly. I also am a Teacher Assistant for a first grade Spanish immersion class at a Center City charter school, and I freelance in court and medical interpretation sessions.

What's a typical day like working as a freelance interpreter with the Language Access Program?

A typical day would be that I can be running my errands and I either get an email or a call from the scheduler asking me if I can go to an assignment. I can either accept or reject the assignment and go to it. I enjoy the flexibility as a freelancer and I like that I can make my own schedule and work as much or as little as I can. 

Could you describe your career path?

My career path is that I want to continue working with the Hispanic community and assist with health literacy and language access and work with a non-profit who I share the same mission with.

Have you completed other interpreter trainings?

I have attended interpretation conferences, seminars, networking events, language practice workshops, etc. in order to keep my skill sets up.

What’s the most rewarding part about your job?

Every interpretation session that I do is rewarding for me because I know that I am helping the patient and that I am the bridge between the patient and the provider.

What’s the most challenging part about your job?

The most challenging thing in this field is providers not taking the time to be culturally sensitive and humble to the patient's needs; it doesn't happen that much but when it does, it is disheartening to see.

What was the most important thing you learned in Bridging the Gap?

The most important thing that I learned from Bridging the Gap is the importance of being accurate in medical terminology and word meanings and how one word can change the whole meaning or idea. It is very important to be concise and accurate.

Any words of wisdom for current Interpretation students?

Good luck! Be professional and advocate for the patient in being a good interpreter/translator, and keep learning and practice skills in the field by attending conferences and working in different environments.