Join the Challenge and Double your Impact!

Dear Friends and Supporters,

For the entire Nationalities Service Center (NSC) family, 2017 tested our organization to its core, from the launch of the initial Travel Ban in late January to the recent announcement that the United States would resettle 59% fewer refugees. This year alone, NSC has lost or been forced to cut an astounding $1 million in programming for refugees and human trafficking victims, including a 75% hit to refugee employment programs. Concurrently, we have reallocated resources to help our attorneys contend with a 300% increase in demand so they can strive to provide high quality legal representation and offer remedies to asylum seekers, DACA beneficiaries and other immigrants looking for a way to hold on to their families and dreams of a sustainable life in the United States.

So yes, it's been a tough year for NSC and the 5,000 refugees and immigrants we serve annually. But here's the thing. It has also been a year where we have had no choice but to dig deep and find the strength to take on these threats, to reacquaint ourselves with this agency's time-honored commitment to "welcome the world to Philadelphia." And we know we're not alone. In fact, an extraordinary group of donors has rallied together to launch the Keep Philadelphia Welcoming Challenge, offering a dollar for dollar match for all gifts made to this appeal up to $150,000. What an incredible expression of decency and an amazing opportunity to help us reframe the narrative of this extremely challenging year!

Today we are asking for your financial support to ensure that NSC will stay strong during these confounding times. If you've been waiting for the right time to give, this is it, as your gift will be matched dollar for dollar, up to $150,000, through the incredible generosity of our Keep Philadelphia Welcoming Challenge donors.

We can't thank you enough for being there for NSC in the past and ask that you continue to help us keep the doors open for refugees and immigrants. Please accept our very best wishes for a wonderful holiday season and peace on earth and in our hearts in 2018!

With sincerest regards,    

Margaret M. O'Sullivan                                Alicia Karr
Executive Director                                       Board Chair


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