Highlight: Former NSC Client's Work at UPenn Museum as a Global Guide

The NSC Employment Team partnered with the Global Guides program at the Penn Museum last year and referred clients from the Middle East to give personal tours. Now, a year later, the guides are thriving and leading incredible tours of the Museum's Middle East galleries.

This article highlights Moumena Saradar, a former NSC client who has lived in Philadelphia for two years and has worked at the Penn Museum for one year.

"For Saradar, the Penn Museum has become a home away from home, a safe place where she has ample time and space to mull over her feelings about Syria and her cultural heritage — issues she says she didn’t consider when she lived in Syria, but are powerful and potent now that she lives in the United States."

Click here to learn more about the Moumena's experience working at the Penn Museum and the Global Guides program.