Artworks created by NSC PPR clients - drawing of woman with her mouth covered, and then uncovered

Survivor Services

  • Bridge to Wellness (BTW) provides legal immigration services and case management supports to immigrant survivors of crimes and their families who experienced domestic violence and interpersonal violence. The program ensures access to comprehensive medical, legal, social, and mental health services to promote self-sufficiency and achievement of client developed goals. 
  • Anti-Human Trafficking (AHT) provides legal immigration services and case management supports to survivors of sex and labor trafficking including access to comprehensive medical, legal, social, and mental health services.
    • Our team also conducts trainings for medical and social service providers as well as outreach. 
  • Philadelphia Partnership for Resilience (PPR) is a program that offers torture survivors and their families access to intensive case management, legal services, group work, mental health, employment and ESL access, housing support, and art-based services and advocacy projects through in-house programs and referrals to outside agencies. 
  • Home Study and Post Release Services Program for Unaccompanied Children (HS/PRS UC Program) conducts home studies and recommendations of potential caregivers to quickly place unaccompanied immigrant children in supportive families, also known as sponsors. Once children are placed with families, staff provide trauma-informed in-home services focused on individual client and family needs to ensure stability and success. Services include immigration legal support, health and wellbeing, education, and community integration.
  • Community Building: Our goal is to create a community that responds to the unique needs of immigrant victims of crime by:
    • Providing training and working closely with our many community partners in law enforcement, victim service providers, advocates, city agencies and others 
    • Participating in coalition and task force activities 
    • Providing technical assistance